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Belinda Forbes

I’m your missionary, serving in Nicaragua, to improve conditions for health in rural communities, particularly in dentistry.  I was working in Global Health before people even called it that.  When I look back, God’s prevenient grace was evident at each step moving me closer to saying ‘yes’ to a call that has taken me on a journey through Spanish language study, dental school, becoming a United Methodist, and uprooting myself to go to a new place and serve among new people. 

“Muchas gracias” for trusting me to be your mission extension in the world!

Advance: 12109Z

United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries


A United Methodist Volunteers in Mission Opportunity in la Ciudad Juarez, Mexico


Mission Team Members: Youth and  Adult


Operacíon Hogar is a joint outreach ministry between The New Mexico Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Methodist Church of Mexico. This ministry has been operational for over 60 years helping those in need of shelter. Over 900 homes have been built in Juárez, Mexico by teams from all over the United States.


Operacion Hogar is an opportunity for a short-term and relatively affordable mission experience; just 4 to 5 days in duration, including travel. Team members have the opportunity to share their love and skills by providing a new home for a family in need.


This is also a strong team-building exercise and one which most team members feel they come away receiving as much or more than they have given.

Operacíon Hogar

Operation Hogar
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