At St. John's, we believe in the power of community and the importance of giving back. Our church is home to several groups dedicated to making a positive impact in Albuquerque, reaching out to those in need, and fostering a spirit of service. Whether you're passionate about feeding the hungry, supporting local families, or engaging in meaningful community projects, there's a place for you here. For more information about these groups or how to join, contact the church office.
Asbury Pie Café
In July and August, “Pie Parties” are held to make and freeze pies which are then baked in September to sell at the Asbury Café at the NM State Fair. Proceeds from the pie and food sales go to local charities. You can supply fruit from your trees, make pies, store pies in your freezer, and/or bake prepared pies for the Asbury Café during the State Fair. In August, sign up for shifts to work at the Asbury Café. There are three shifts: morning, afternoon, and evening. Watch for details closer to State Fair time.
Family Promise
Family Promise’s mission is to empower families in the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho Communities who are at risk of homelessness or experiencing homelessness, to achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. Our vision is to have sufficient support congregations, volunteers and paid staff that there will never be a waiting list for families that qualify for Family Promise of Albuquerque services. St. John’s participates with volunteers to cook meals, deliver meals, do laundry, go grocery shopping, create sign-up webpages, communicate needs to the congregation, communicate events at Family Promise to the congregation, and attend Family Promise meetings. The near future goal is for Family Promise families to move into the new day center at 1516 San Pedro Dr. NE.
Mobile Food Pantry
St. John's UMC in partnership with Roadrunner Food Bank offers a monthly food distribution for 50 needy families on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 9:30 am in the Family Life Center. Volunteers spend about two hours assisting with distribution (9:00-11:00 am).
New Mexico Ramp Project
The St. John's team of the New Mexico Ramp Project is continuing to build ramps in the Albuquerque area 1-2 times per month. In addition, additional independent teams are being trained, but available to help with any complex or urgent ramp requests that we receive. Materials for each ramp cost approximately $750 so donations are welcomed. The ramps are not a budgeted item so donations should be in addition to pledges. Make checks payable to St. John's UMC with "Ramp Ministry" in the memo line. Anyone interested in helping with ramps (no age limit, no prior experience necessary) can contact the office for more information.​
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
As Zuni Elementary and St. John's Preschool prepare to start a new year, the church provides a nice lunch and presents the schools with supplies collected for them. Volunteers help decorate and serve at the luncheon. ​
Weekend Meal Bags for Children
The Food Ministry and Mission Team have teamed up to assemble snacks bags that consist of non-perishable food--two breakfasts, two lunches, two dinners and two snacks—that are delivered to food-insecure students at Zuni Elementary School so that they have guaranteed food for the weekend.