Have you seen the beautiful new grass lawn, redbud tree and water wise shrubs on the east side of St. John’s UMC? Our landscape contractor, Blue Sky Landscaping, is hard at work on the east side landscape revitalization project. The work zone is located on the east side of the Sunshine Café, south of the Family Life Center and Northeast of the Sanctuary. The old irrigation system has been replaced and upgraded to conserve water and support healthy plant life. The storm water ponding and drainage issues on the north side of the Welcome Center stained glass window have been corrected by having the soil level adjusted and amended. The newly planted Redbud Tree will match the existing Red Bud trees on the east side of the Family Life Center (FLC) building. The kitchen ministry garden boxes for growing food (herbs, etc ) are next to the new lawn area.
“They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.” Jeremiah, 17.8 (NRSV)
The revitalization project was made possible in part by a generous donation from Blue Sky Landscaping.
Please check out our new plants when you come to attend worship in person on Sunday mornings. Questions about the project? Please call the church office, (505) 883-1441.