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Lent Reflections Day 5: Wilderness

Pastor Tiffany Hollums decided that each day during Lent, she would choose a word to prayerfully reflect upon. A volunteer suggested reading the lectionary texts and then choosing a word that stood out from those passages. She is sharing those reflections here and hopes to inspire our readers to join in her journey.


  • Psalm 32

  • 1 Kings 19:1-8

  • Hebrews 2:10-18


The wilderness is a physical picture of the journey of Lent-it is the place where Elijah, Moses and the Israelites, and Jesus went to face their greatest challenges. As you wander in the wilderness, you come face to face with your humanity.

What does it mean to go through the wilderness for you? What do you absolutely need to survive? Who do you become when all of the comforts of your life are stripped away? Do you complain? Grumble? Lose hope? Or like Jesus, could you hold fast to who you know you are….of what you know to be true? And remember, as Christ did, that you are not alone….even in the loneliest of places, God is with you.

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