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2025 Special Offerings

Each month we present an organization or project to highlight and with whom to share the gifts God has so graciously given to us! Please give generously! Please make your checks out to St. John's UMC and write the name of the organization to whom you wish to donate in the memo field of your check or donation on-line.

February: Covenant with Missionaries

February is the month that we support our UMC Missionary, Dr. Belinda Forbes, in Nicaragua. She and her husband (also a doctor) live in Managua, Nicaragua. She works with Accion Medica Christiana (AMC), a Nicaraguan Christian Medical group, which specializes in health and development in impoverished rural communities. As a dentist, Dr. Forbes works with a community- based primary dental health program where she also mentors volunteers and interfaces with AMC's international partner organizations. Learn more about Dr. Forbes.

March: New Mexico Immigrant Law Center

The New Mexico Immigrant Law Center (NMILC) provides free legal assistance and resources for immigrants in New Mexico. Their mission is to advance justice and equity by empowering low-income immigrant communities through collaborative legal services, advocacy, education and community resources. Learn more about the NMILC.

April: Lenten Offering

Lent is the time of preparation, a time of sacrifice, a time of renewed focus on God, a time of giving. Traditionally at St. John's, the Lenten Offering goes to support many and varied local ministries. In the past we have supported such ministries as the Ramp Project, Mobile Food Pantry, Hopeworks, Asbury Pie Cafe, Wesley House, McCurdy Ministries, Barrett House, Silver Horizons, lunch bags for the homeless and many more. St. John's has been very generous in supporting ministries that help our community, the need being greater than ever this year. So as we think of Jesus' great sacrifice for us, may we sacrifice in our own small way and continue to give generously to those in need.

May: McCurdy Ministries

McCurdy Ministries is a 112-year-old United Methodist National Mission Institution, formerly known as McCurdy Schools of Northern New Mexico, that provides after school, preschool, mental health counseling, summer camp, and youth programs. Since becoming a community center in August of 2017, they have impacted the community in the Española Valley by offering faith-based programs for children and youth as well as programs for adult enrichment that include emotional and behavioral health support. Learn more about McCurdy Ministries.

June: Peace with Justice Sunday

This Special Sunday is a denomination-wide celebration intended to raise awareness that even in a world plagued by war and terror, violence and destruction, people of faith have a clear call to build peace with justice. As United Methodists, our yearning for peace must move us to act. The United Methodist Social Principles call us to love our enemies, seek justice, and serve as reconcilers of conflict. We insist that the first moral duty of all nations is to work together to resolve by peaceful means every dispute that arises between or among them.

The United Methodist Church, with its historic commitment to peace and justice, can and should provide leadership to this social transformation. The General Board of Church and Society Church holds a non-governmental, consultative status with the United Nations. This status allows us to participate in UN meetings, consultations and conferences. We recognize and renew our call for social transformation, for the quest to open the doors of opportunity for all, to distribute resources more equitably, and to provide better care for persons in need.

July: Zuni Elementary School Supplies and Support for Community Room

This month we have the opportunity to support our neighbors at Zuni Elementary school. Chef Tim will prepare the back-to-school luncheon for Zuni Elementary and our Preschool staff in August, and United Women of Faith, along with this special offering, will purchase school supplies to be given to the school at that time. In addition, Zuni has started a Community Room where families can get additional support. St. John’s was privileged to be part of the effort to get the room up and running and will continue support for this room and its mission as needed.

August: Steelbridge

At Steelbridge, the focus on spiritual growth and Biblical principles provides a unique and powerful approach to recovery. By fostering a connection with God, individuals build inner strength and resilience, helping them overcome addiction, homelessness, trauma, and life's challenges. Through a comprehensive program that incorporates counseling, behavioral health services, spiritual guidance, life skills, job skills, and financial planning, Steelbridge offers tailored solutions for those facing difficult circumstances—including victims of human trafficking and youth aging out of foster care. This holistic approach leads to long-term recovery, stability, and a renewed sense of purpose. Learn more about Steelbridge.

September: United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

Gifts this month lay the foundation for UMCOR to share God's love when a crisis such as a hurricane or earthquake occurs. The money we give this month underwrites UMCOR's administrative costs so that 100% of any gift to a specific UMCOR project goes directly to that project. UMCOR is known for its quick and lasting response to crises all over the world.

Learn more about UMCOR.

October: Two in One (Methodist Children's Home and Providence Place)

Founded in 1890, Methodist Children’s Home serves children, youth and families through residential programs on the Waco campus and MCH Boys Ranch, and through transition services, foster care and a variety of community-based programs throughout Texas and New Mexico. As one child put it "They (MCH) are here for me when no one else is. They never give up on us. I now know that God is always there for me too." Learn more about Methodist Children's Home.

Providence Place has a history in which it can take great pride. If you scrolled back 126 years, it would be hard to imagine the achievements…almost 6,000 new families formed through adoption, thousands of young adults with disabilities able to hold jobs and young adults who can now live independently in a way they never dreamed possible. Young women and men, no longer homeless. Parents with increased parenting skills. Learn more about Providence Place.

November: UNM Wesley Foundation

A Wesley Foundation is the presence of the United Methodist Church on or near, and in service to, a state-run, non-church affiliated college or university. The first Wesley Foundation was established October 13, 1913 at the University of Illinois. Bishop James C. Baker's work in organizing this first Wesley Foundation chose the name Wesley Foundation to emphasize two spheres of outreach. Wesley refers to John Wesley the founder of the Methodist Church and first campus minister at Oxford University, while Foundation was selected to mean an "open movement" an ecumenical movement available to all college students.

December: No Special Offering

Past Special Offerings

January: The Rock at Noonday

The Rock’s dedicated staff is trained to extend a helping hand, meeting individuals where they are with the love and compassion of God. They provide more than hot showers and fresh meals for the homeless, hungry, and hurting. Their support includes emergency clothing, hygiene supplies, referrals to essential services, laundry facilities, and beyond. They believe in activating healing, not just offering handouts. They strive to empower people experiencing homelessness and hurting toward stability and self-sufficiency through deep and intentional engagement. Learn more about The Rock at Noonday.

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