A weekend event for United Methodists and anyone else in search of Christian community. Gather offers a fresh vision for a United Methodist approach to Christian community particularly for online worshippers, people whose church has disaffiliated, and anyone looking for new ways to be the church in the 21st century. Featuring keynote speaker Rev. Charity Goodwin, special musical guest Ken Medema, and the ministries of St. John's.

Keynote Speaker Rev. Charity Goodwin
As a mom, pastor, and one who has suffered panic attacks and body break down from stress and anxiety, Charity's continual journey is to honor and navigate feelings and her place in life. Charity is here to help you do the same.
Rev. Charity Goodwin holds the view that faith is to be practiced not just believed. As a follower of Jesus and minister of the gospel, her first ministry is as mom to Gabriel and Levi.
Charity is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. In addition to her role as Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Groups at The Gathering, she speaks, preaches and facilitates workshops on leadership, emotional intelligence, vulnerability and courage for Christians institutions or organizations. With degrees in journalism and divinity, she strengthens her ministry within in and beyond the walls of the church with credentials as a facilitator of Brené Brown’s research, a coach, practitioner and assessor of emotional intelligence.

Ken is one of the most creative and authentic artists performing today. For five decades, he has used music as a vehicle for creating conversation through storytelling and reflection. Ken custom designs each performance, integrating new and old music with his gift of improvisation to suit the occasion. With an ever-growing circle of friends around the world, Ken's vocal and piano artistry and imagination have reached audiences of 50 to 50,000 people in 49 United States and in more than 15 countries on four continents. Ken is a team player…loves working with event planners, spiritual leaders, teachers, and other artists.

Friday, January 5
5:00 - 6:00pm Check in and welcome in the Family Life Center.
6:00 - 7:00pm Welcome dinner in the Family Life Center.
7:15 - 8:30pm Opening worship with music by Ken Medema and keynote teaching from Rev. Charity Goodwin. Children’s activity in Sonshine Café.
Saturday, January 6
8:30 - 9:00am Doors open, continental breakfast available in Family Life Center or Sonshine Café.
9:00 - 9:45am Morning praise and prayer. Music by Ken Medema and a short devotional from Rev. Josh Kouri in Sanctuary.
9:50 - 10:50am Ministry Experience Breakouts #1: Worship In Non-Traditional Spaces
11:00am - 12:00pm Ministry Experience Breakouts #2: Community Formation in Non-Traditional Ways
12:00 - 2:00pm Break for lunch off-site and rest.
2:00 - 4:00pm Symposium on the future of the church with Charity Goodwin, Ken Medema, Josh Kouri, Matthew Greer and others.
4:00 - 5:30pm Ministry Fair with presentations from leaders from St. John’s in Narthex and Sonshine Café.
6:00 - 8:00pm Celebration dinner and worship hullabaloo in Family Life Center.
Sunday, January 7
7:45 - 8:15am Doors open with Danishes, coffee, juice available.
8:15, 9:30 & 11:00am Worship with music from Ken Medema and preaching by Rev. Charity Goodwin.
9:30-10:30am Sunday School open to guests.