2021 NM Annual Conference of UMC - Theme: To everything there is a season & a time to every purpose under heaven
The 146th session of the New Mexico Annual Conference (NMAC) of the United Methodist Church (UMC) is being held this week from Wednesday, June 16 to Friday, June 18, 2021. Please pray for the United Methodist Clergy and Laity Delegates from across all of New Mexico and parts of western Texas as they gather to make important decisions for the UMC that will guide us in the future, and as connections are renewed across our state.
This year, the Annual Conference is a virtual gathering, held online, rather than in person. The Annual Conference in 2021 includes business sessions, worship services, workshops, Clergy/Executive Session, Laity Session (with 2 special guest speakers), public celebrations, Ordination of Clergy/Commissioning of Ministers, music and much more. The Annual Conference sessions can be accessed by Zoom video conferencing and Facebook Livestream video. The 2021 NM Annual Conference of the UMC officially began on Wednesday, June 16th at 7:00 pm with Opening Worship and it ends today, Friday, June 18, 2021. Click here to learn more.
On Friday, June 18th following the last business session, we will transition to a ZOOM gathering for the Closing Worship. This meeting will be password protected, so you will need both the link and the passcode listed below.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82349423576?pwd=cXhLUmFqZGFFZEE4eHh2aVlHU1FYQT09
Meeting ID: 823 4942 3576
Passcode: 271439
Questions: call 505-255-8786 or send email to:
ROSELIE JOHNSTON Ministry/Program Coordinator,
email: rjohnston@nmconfum.com