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Meet Our CLMs: Serving Learning, Leading in Faith

Rev. Josh Kouri

This week, 3 members of our church will be at Sacramento Camp for the annual Certified Lay Minister (CLM) retreat offered by New Mexico Conference. I'd invite you to pray for Larry Luna, Michael Furnish, and our newest CLM, Dee Billops.

Certified Lay Ministry is a special role offered in the United Methodist Church for laypersons who wish to pursue their understanding of servanthood within the church. CLM's often serve in particular ways, leading ministries within the church, preaching or teaching, offering congregational care, and even being appointed as supply pastors to smaller congregations. 


In the case of Dee Billops, her calling includes providing congregational care and homebound communion to members at St. John's. Mike serves in roles pertaining to worship planning and also leads the Mountain Cathedrals ministry. Larry also serves in worship and as the Albuquerque District Lay Leader. We are blessed by all three. 


When you see Mike, Larry, or Dee around the church, be sure to ask them what they experienced at the CLM retreat and what they learned this year. And if you would like to know more about pursuing a calling as a CLM, don't hesitate to contact me at the church office. It is a great way to be equipped for service and leadership in the church. 


Best wishes, 

Rev. Josh Kouri

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