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Baking for a Better Albuquerque: Support the Asbury Pie Cafe

Rev. Josh Kouri

This week marks one of the signature outreach and mission opportunities at St. John's UMC, with the opening of the 2024 New Mexico State Fair. Since 1993, our church has been a partner with other congregations across Albuquerque in sponsoring the Asbury Pie Cafe. 


Many of you have already been busy peeling fruit, filling piecrusts, storing prepared pies in your freezer, and baking pies for delivery. Now we get to welcome guests to the Fair and invite them into our mission of raising funds for organizations around Albuquerque that attend to hunger assistance.


Typically the pie cafe raises between $50,000 and $65,000 and none of the proceeds go back to local churches. All are donated to organizations making a difference in the city. If you go to the Fair, please be sure to stop by the Cafe. You may see some friends from church working the counter or slicing pies. Tell your friends to attend as well and help us make a difference one slice at a time!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the history and tradition of the Asbury Cafe.

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